Written by Laurent.
Posted in Mes modèles.
Dans cette section, vous trouverez quelques-uns de mes modèles... En tout cas ceux que j'ose montrer, les autres resteront à jamais dans l'ombre ![smile](/images/Menus/smile.gif) |
In this section you will find some of my models ... Well, those I dare to show, many others will remain forever hidden ![smile](/images/Menus/smile.gif) |
Modèle | Date de création | Cliquez ! |
Tenségrité |
2021 |
![tn tensegrity](/images/thumbs/tn_tensegrity.jpg) |
Coronavirus |
2020 |
![tn coronavirus](/images/thumbs/tn-coronavirus.jpg) |
A snake in the forest |
2020 |
![tn snake](/images/thumbs/tn-snake.jpg) |
Iakov Chernikhov |
2011 - 2019 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-iakov.jpg) |
Meccano Paper Plane Folding Machine
2017 |
![tn mppfm](/images/thumbs/tn-mppfm.jpg) |
Tunnelier - TBM |
2017 |
![tn graph3](/images/thumbs/tn-tbm.jpg) |
Meccanographe III |
2016 |
![tn graph3](/images/thumbs/tn-graph3.jpg) |
Mini-Tracteur |
2016 |
![tn tracteur](/images/thumbs/tn-tracteur.jpg) |
Modules "ping pong" |
2015 |
![tn pingpong2](/images/thumbs/tn-pingpong2.jpg) |
Chassis automobile |
2014 |
![tn chassis](/images/thumbs/tn-chassis.jpg) |
Arche de Noé |
2014 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-arche.jpg) |
Light-painting avec Meccano |
2014 |
Boite de vitesse compacte |
2014 |
Course autour de la Terre... |
2014 |
Maquette cinématique 2 |
2013 |
Véhicule 6 roues motrices
6 wheeled vehicle
2013 |
Flash hot shoe
2013 |
Star Wars Sandcrawler |
2012 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-sandcrawler.jpg) |
The most useless machine |
2011 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-machine.jpg) |
Aigle de "Cosmos 1999"
Space 1999 Eagle
2011-2014 |
![tn-eagle](/images/thumbs/tn-eagle.jpg) |
Meccano... façon Escher
Meccano ... like Escher
2011 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-eicher.jpg) |
Machine Ping Pong |
2010 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-pingpong.jpg) |
2008 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-icosaedre.jpg) |
Un présentoir animé
An animated display stand
2008 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-presentoir.jpg) |
Wall-E ! |
2008 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-wallie.jpg) |
F4U Corsair |
2007 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-corsair.jpg) |
SdKfz 234 ''Puma'' |
2007 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-puma.jpg) |
Un Bus Anglais
An English bus
2007 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-bus.jpg) |
Meccanographe I |
2007 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-graph1.jpg) |
Meccanographe II |
2007 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-graph2.jpg) |
Jeep |
2007 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-jeep.jpg) |
Cyclo - touriste ! |
2007 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-velo.jpg) |
Le marcheur
The walker
2007 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-marcheur.jpg) |
Petite horloge
A little clock
2007 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-horloge.jpg) |
Hélice à pas variable
Variable pitch propeller
2006 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-helice.jpg) |
A little orrery
2006 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-lune.jpg) |
Fokker DVII |
2006 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-fokker.jpg) |
Maquette cinématique
Kinematic model
2006 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-cinem.jpg) |
Mes zanimos
My animals
2006 |
![](/images/thumbs/tn-animo.jpg) |
Clics : 4547